The research of adhesive films’ physical-mechanical features during gluing of spines of book blocks, sewn with threads

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Slotska L. S., Zatserkovna R. S. № 2 (76) 20-26 Image Image

In the technological process of making book products, the method of fastening and processing of book blocks plays an important role. Now, with the use and constant improvement of various methods of fastening book blocks, sewing with threads remains an important and reliable method of fastening. Books sewn with threads have the greatest strength and the best ability to be opened, so they can not compete with other books that are fastened using other methods.

In the process of making hard cover books, with complete treatment of the spine of book block, the glue is applied to the book spine three times – when gluing the spine, when sticking the spine material and when sticking the endbond. Gluing the spine provides the greatest strength, gluing the spine material significantly increases it, and gluing the endbond does not affect the strength. As a result of gluing the spine of the book block, the spine and the block are strengthened, the stability of the shape of the spine, as well as the toughness and durability of the finished book increase.

The aim of the work is to study the physical and mechanical properties of adhesive films.

The problems connected with the production of books sewn with threads have been analysed. The physical and mechanical features of adhesive films formed during the gluing of spine of book block, sewn with threads have been considered. Polyvinyl acetate adhesives «Omega» and «Duvilax BD 20/40», which are actually used in the technological process of book producing for gluing book block spines, have been selected for the study. The following physical and mechanical features of adhesive films, such as tensile effort, adhesive strength and elasticity have been researched. Using the optical microscopy method, the photos of the state of adhesive films before, during and after tensile testing have been obtained.

It has been found that the analysed samples of PVD adhesives are suitable for gluing the roots of book block spines. Polyvinyl acetate adhesive «Duvilax BD 20/40» forms a stronger adhesive bond compared to the polyvinyl acetate adhesive «Omega», and therefore provides better strength when gluing the book block spines.

Keywords: book block, book spine, glue, adhesive films, physical and mechanical features, elasticity, tensile effort.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2018-2-76-20-26

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