The specificities of the augmented reality technologies’ application as an instrument for the transformation of printed production into a three-dimensional one in the promotional communications’ practice

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Shchehelska Yu. P. № 1 (77) 101-110 Image Image

The article analyses the specificities of application of AR-technologies that are used by the commercial brands with a promotional purpose on the main types of printing products: packing units, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, books, souvenirs, indoor and outdoor advertising.

The study’s empirical basis encompasses the collected by the author practical AR-cases of such brands as Heinz (ketchup packing with AR-effect); The United Daily News, Segodnya (AR-newspapers); Lexus (printed AR-advertising); Volkswagen (printed AR-advertising and AR-projection book), Aliens & UFOs and Forest Song (AR-books); Gapchinska (souvenir AR-advertising, cross-promotion with brands Lyubimov, Gulliver, Smile); Karl Lagerfeld (AR-shop windows with printed panels); Volkswagen Beetle (comprehensive OOH AR-campaign on wallscapes, billboards (also with backlight), citylights, threevisions and other advertising mediums).

The study has found out that the augmented reality allows consumers to interact with the printed advertising products in an unusual way, which in turn leads to clear unambiguous memorization of the promotional message by the target audience. Thus, through the use of augmented reality technologies, printed advertising products become much more effective.

At the same time, it has been proved in the article that in itself the use of augmented reality technologies does not always guarantee an increase in demand for goods. And although the placement of augmented reality on individual print carrier definitely attracts public attention, in most cases, brands need to carry out an additional promotional campaign to inform consumers about the presence of hidden content. Nevertheless, the application of any of the AR-technologies’ varieties to print products can serve as a news peg for the development of advertising and PR campaigns.

Keywords: augmented reality (AR), 2D, 3D, AR-package, souvenir AR-products, printed AR-ads, AR-books, AR-showcases, OOH AR-advertising, AR-projections.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-1-77-101-110

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