The paper considers a new promising method of book blocks cutting by a disk knife with eccentricity. The advantages of this method in comparison with cutting by ordinary disc knives are proved. The kinematic parameters of book blocks cutting with a disk knife with eccentricity were studied: the trajectory and velocity of the points on the blade by forward cutting and by reverse cutting. Unlike a knife without eccentricity, the trajectories and linear velocities of different points on the blade of the knife are different and depend on their location. A relative velocity of a contact of a point on the blade and a book block surface was proved to consist of three components: normal velocity, linear velocity and feed rate. The conditions for the appearance of pulse cutting are analytically determined and a method of calculating the required feed rate of book blocks is proposed. Diagrams for determining of the cutting type (interrupted or contiguous one) are given. Pulse cutting will occur if the horizontal component of the total speed will have in a certain period of time a direction opposite to the feed rate, i.e., the blade will begin to move backwards away from the block. The pulse-cutting mode exists at a higher feed rate of the book block by the forward cutting if compared to the reverse cutting. It indicates a higher possible productivity of the cutting process by forward cutting. It is established that there are three stages of interaction of the knife with the block in the process of pulse cutting: full cutting along the entire height, partial cutting at incomplete height and no cutting. A method for determining the sectors of the knife that cut the block or do not participate in cutting has been developed. Experimental studies have proven the existence of a pulse cutting mode and confirmed the reduction of cutting forces with an eccentric knife in a pulse mode compared to a conventional disk knife. The conducted research confirmed the advantages of the method of book blocks cutting with eccentric disc knives. The obtained results can be useful in the design of advanced machines for book blocks cutting.
Keywords: book block cutting, disc knife, eccentricity, pulse cutting, interrupted cutting, forward cutting, reverse cutting.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-100-111
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