Construction and calculation of linguistic variable membership functions of planning processes and book artistic and technical design

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Osinchuk O. I., Senkivska N. Ye., Senkivskyi V. M. № 2 (76) 57-63 Image Image

Using the means of fuzzy logic, a mechanism for forming the membership functions of linguistic variables processes of thematic and production-technical planning and artistic and technical design of book editions has been described. The description of the universal fuzzy set with linguistic variables and ranks in the corresponding range, the formal representation of the linguistic term “quality of the studied process” has been presented. On the basis of membership functions, logical expressions for the numerical expression of the linguistic term have been obtained. The distribution of membership functions and the valuation condition has been presented. Ranks of factors have been determined. The expressions for the thematic, production-technical planning and artistic-technical issues of editions for obtaining an integral indicator of the quality level have been synthesized. The purpose of the study is to achieve the maximum value of functions that describe the level of quality of the studied processes.

Matrices of pairwise comparisons for corresponding linguistic terms have been constructed. The method of calculation of membership functions has been given on the example of the linguistic variable “reader category” for thematic planning of book editions. It involves the construction of matrices, the determination of the values of the universal term-set at the points of division in accordance with expert estimates and the obtaining of the normed values of the membership function for the terms of the linguistic variable. The visualization of the results in the form of a membership function graph for the “reader category” linguistic variable has been performed.

The calculated values of the membership functions of linguistic variables are a prerequisite for the creation of a fuzzy knowledge base and systems of fuzzy logic equations. On their basis, the design and calculation of the integral indicator of the level of quality of thematic and production-technical planning and artistic and technical design of book editions has been carried out.

Keywords: membership function, linguistic variable, planning, artistic and technical design, matrix, category of the reader.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2018-2-76-57-63

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