Current practice and prospects of the social communications’ innovative development in AR and MR space based on the newest immersive equipment

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Shchehelska Yu. P. № 2 (80) 208-218 Image Image

For the purposes of this study, the systemic features, functional capabilities, ad­vantages and disadvantages of the newest immersive equipment – half-helmets, glasses, headphones and contact lenses of augmented and mixed reality (HMAMR displays), including such popular models as Epson Moverio BT-300, GoogleGlass and Google Glass Enterprise Edition, Magic Leap One, Meta 2, Microsoft HoloLens 2, Ora-2 and Ora-Х, Vaunt, etc. are considered first of all.

The paper unveils specificities of using some of these models in practice in promotional communications and in the field of journalism by means of an example of cases of the Ukrainian brand PrivatBank, British automaker Jaguar, as well as the leading foreign media – newspaper The New York Times and TV channels Cheddar, CNN, CNN International and HLN.

The study ascertains that AR and MR half-helmets, glasses, headphones have not yet become mass consumer goods, primarily due to the high cost of such devices (on average 1500-3500 USD) and insufficient functionality of some models: in particular, small memory, short battery charge and quick heat pump, limited field of view, clunkiness, limited speed of digital data transfer, etc.

In addition, there is a constant debate in society about the privacy of persons who enter into the field of view of people wearing AR-glasses, as well as the creation of special devices that counteract facial recognition programs, which contain smart glasses of certain brands.

Some potential users of these devices are concerned that the companies that produce AR glasses collect big data, and may eventually, without their permission, introduce in fact the broadcast of personalized advertising on the retina of the consumer.

It has been ascertained that the HMAMR displays are used in promotional com­munications, primarily for image-making purposes, while in journalism – to attract the attention of new audiences, especially young people, to traditional media through innovative news’ presenting in 3D format, which creates in users the illusion of presence at the scene of event due to the possibility of interaction with three-dimensional objects represented in their real scale. At the same time, live TV broadcast on the HMAMR display is still carried in 2D mode.

It is also ascertained that the HMAMR displays have the potential to combine and replace traditional digital messaging channels in the future. Their wide distribution will lead to the emergence of new forms of advertising and PR communication, as well as new journalistic genres.

It has been established that the compatible with DJI drones Epson Moverio BT-300 smart glasses already enable the creation of journalistic FPV AR-narratives; and Ora-X AR headphones, given that they are primarily intended for viewing video clips, can become a specialized sectorial channel for the promotion of music artists and groups.

In the near future, the introduction of the option of “holoportation” in Microsoft HoloLens 2 can lead to the emergence of innovative types of PR activities. In the distant future, owners of Meta Pro MR glasses will be able to print on a 3D printer certain types of products that will be shown to them in AR advertising.

Keywords: augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), HMAMR displays, jour­na­lism, advertising, PR.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-208-218

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