Features of image creation based on the terminological vocabulary in advertising texts

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Mykhailovych O. P., Капраль І. І., Kulynych M. M. № 2 (80) 176-184 Image Image

The issue of image formation in advertising texts with the help of terminological vocabulary has been considered. The task is difficult because most terms are abstract and “non-figurative”, they are poorly remembered and not always adequately understood by the recipient. The success of communication depends on how well the advertiser is able to form this image.

There are two variables that affect the formation of the image: the first is the stimulus, its intelligibility, informativeness, novelty, context; the second is the individual characteristics of people with different experiences and differences in cognitive activity. The “intense” context clears the images that arise during the perception of terms. However, advertisers focus primarily on the previous experience of the recipient. Images passed through experience are the most stable and predictable, and the advertiser is virtually unable to shape or modify them.

In case of impossibility to rely on the experience of the addressee, it is important to purposefully form images with the help of definitions, explanations, descriptions. Having first encountered a certain term in the advertising text and having roughly understood its meaning, the recipient can further associate the image that appeared at that moment with the advertised object. That is why the purposeful formation of new images is very promising in terms of the effectiveness of advertising influence.

Advertising texts with unclear terms without any explanations of the meaning has been also considered. It is reasonable that the addressee in such cases will try to form an idea of certain objects or a phenomena. Such images can be vague, conditional, differ from person to person and depend on the level of knowledge, specificity of the context and other conditions. The formation of such connotations is unpredictable, so the involvement of narrowly specific terms in the text of a mass advertising message without appropriate explanations can not always be considered appropriate and effective.

Keywords: image, advertising text, terminological vocabulary, connotation of ter­mi­nology, effectiveness of advertising communication.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-176-184

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