In this article, the method of editor’s breakdown of a fictional text is analysed, the analysis is based on theory of literature and literature-studied analysis. The principles of editor’s text reading are presented from three perspectives: the usual reader, the literature critic and the literature studies researcher. It is mentioned, that for effective literature analysis three aspects are important: interpretation, which leads to reflections, arguments and careful analysis of the structure of a fictional text, its meaningful determination. The accent is made on the genre of the text, usage of the character system, narrator/author combination, the plot. Even more attention is given to the structure of character system, their characteristics such as associativity, their integrity, the amount of character development, which depends on the idea of this character and his role in the composition. The role of fictional detail is mentioned, its functions in the character system, different types of fictional details are discussed using concrete examples, the terms exterior detail and psychological detail are highlighted. It is remarked, that fictional detail is analysed using three criteria of analysis: truthful transmission of reality events, the amount of influence on reader’s emotions and imagination and accuracy of author’s conception. The author’s role and the principles of editor’s estimation about the presence of the author in a fictional text are analysed separately. The principles of objectivity and subjectivity of author’s presence, the role of the narrator, the lyrical hero, of characters in the text are highlighted. The features of incipience of the role of author in lyric, dramatic and epic texts are also on the point of the discussion. The article also discovers components of text elements, which are composed together to provide the text understanding, and also the understanding of the text analysis. The elements of the composition of a fictional text are analysed on real examples, the effectiveness of implanting literature-critical analysis is demonstrated.
Keywords: principles of editorial analysis of a fictional text, literary-critical analysis, criteria for evaluation of a fictional text.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-137-148
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