Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Zelinska N. V. | № 2 (86) | 194-205 |
Editing as an object of theoretical understanding has recently practically disappeared from the Ukrainian scientific discourse, as well as from the «visible», at the level of the name of the specialty, part of the educational field. At the same time, the need for editorial control, editorial intervention is felt not only in the publishing sector, where editing is a key stage of creating a book, but also in many spheres of social life, where this need is not so obvious (these include, in particular, mass media, advertising and PR activities, Internet platforms, scientific activities, educational activities, artistic practices, office management, etc.).
The intellectual culture of publishing-developed countries managed to develop a respectful attitude towards the profession of an editor and its representatives (in particular, thanks to the involvement in editing of famous persons from the spheres of politics, science, literature, a kind of promotion of the profession through documentaries and artistic works, films, the regular appearance of educational or even scientific publications from the specialty, which at the same time are interesting to read even for a non-specialist). The same steps must be taken in Ukraine, and the first step towards a kind of rehabilitation of editing as a profession and an activity necessary for society should be to prove its necessity, to remove the ready-made product from the zone of «invisibility» for readers – in the form of explanations, demonstrations of the most vivid examples, promotion of editorial profession and the effectiveness of its consequences in the context of the formation of a high-quality cultural landscape.
To illustrate the current situation, the article chose a popular artistic practice – singing, where timely editorial intervention could have prevented many mistakes, which were later «replicated» due to the frequency of performance.
Keywords: editing, editor, editorial profession, journalism, publishing product, artistic practices.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-2-86-194-205