Optimization of factor model of corporate website design in online catalog

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Senkivskyi V. M., Pikh I. V., Lytovchenko O. V., Стахів О. Р., Musiiovska M. M. № 2 (80) 11-21 Image Image

The analysis of publications has been done on this topic, which shows the lack of completeness of the research related to the formation of components of the information database, focused on the formalized reflection of the relationships between the factors influencing the process of formation of the websites quality. This reinforces the relevance of the task of studying the influence of a certain set of factors, the relationship between which must be formalized by means suitable for the use in the study of methods of systems analysis, modelling theory and hierarchy analysis. In the process of research, a formalized reflection of a set of factors influencing the process of designing a corporate website has been done. A semantic network has been designed and described to graphically and linguistically reproduce the relationships between the factors that affect the quality of an online catalog. The priority factors have been calculated based on the method of mathematical modelling of hierarchies, reachability matrix and iterative tables. The basic variant of the multilevel model of factors influence on quality of the researched process has been received. Using a scale of relative importance of objects, a matrix of pairwise comparisons has been constructed, the elaboration of which ensured the optimization of the basic model of the priority influence of selected factors on the process of website quality formation.

Keywords: factor, online catalog, website, design, a set of factors, semantic network, reachability matrix, pairwise comparison matrix, optimization, multilevel model.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-11-21

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