Reviewing in the media as a way to promote the prose of women’s authorship

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Myznikova T. V. № 2 (80) 160-167 Image Image

The article considers the current features of interaction between modern media platforms, publishing organizations and women-authors. To study this area, the emphasis was placed on the review as an effective tool for promoting fiction publications in the book market of Ukraine. The following issues have been clarified in the process of studying.

In the conditions of progressive modernity, the detailed critical response to prose, in particular written by women, is most often shown in two conceptual directions. The first direction is a classic review. The second direction is an informal review. The kind of traditional book reviews is quite developed in the Ukrainian literary and publishing spheres. However, this level of development is not as large-scale in comparison with foreign experience in the direction of reviewing, as well as in the direction of promotion.

Along with the classics, the so-called informal review in the form of readers’ opinions, reactions, assessments about the novel, a story of female authorship is increasingly popularized today. Modern media is much more accessible than even ten years ago. An average reader of the novel can go to the site, blog, relevant page on social networks and leave there a comment about the book. This phenomenon is becoming more widespread and therefore necessary. Although such a “review” is not written according to all the canons of the genre, but it works, in particular to promote the book. Thus, the study revealed a positive aspect of the transformation of the review as a critical genre. This, in turn, enhances the dynamics of promotion of fiction publications, and then, accordingly, enhances the dynamics of contact between the media, publishers, women-authors.

Keywords: media, publishers, books, women-authors, review, promotion.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-2-80-160-167

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